by 12:06:00 0 comments

Strategic thinking is as much science as art form. You need to use both the right and left side of your brain in order to truly excel, and this takes both confidence and practice. It is one to be an ordinary Entrepreneur it is another to be an Extraordinary Entrepreneur. It is the Extraordinary ones that become most successful, they are great strategist.  The following are some skills great strategists’ posses and use daily.

Having both these abilities means that they can see a desirable future and evolve a strategy which focuses on the details and the big picture, in order to create it

Neptune Dash


A writer, teacher and speaker with strong passion for teaching wholsome vitality for spirituality, nation building,entrepreneurship, preacher and teacher of the Word of God. My driving force for life is to be a valuable asset to the body of Christ and the country of citizenship, living by wisdom and impacting it on people and the society for effectiveness and greatness.


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