Only Truth Can Set You Free

by 20:32:00 0 comments

John 8 vs. 32 is a commonly known verse among Christians, powerful insight given by Christ Jesus himself to those who believed in him during the days of his earthly ministry. True freedom comes by knowing the truth; it is all we need to gain freedom. The greatest problems and obstacles before men are not the problems themselves but ignorance, and there is no excuse for being ignorant. The problem of poverty, poor health, depression and several others originates from ignorance .i.e. not knowing the truth. Freedom from addiction and any form of struggle lies in accepting the truth.
Truth itself is absolute but also relative. We Christians absolutely believe that Jesus Christ is the truth which might sound stupid to many; it was very difficult for many during the time of his earthly ministry to believe this saying. It sounds too difficult to be believed, how can a person be truth, that is why the Holy Bible says “the just shall live by faith” [Habakkuk 2 vs. 4]. It is very hard for a person who has unbelief to experience freedom. Peter in the prison tied down with chains and under the watch of two guards was set free by an angel of God who said to him “Hurry, Get up!” he passed through the gates until he was free. Assuming Peter doubted his head would have been chopped off by Herod like he did to James. I have not found a patient, who will say I don’t believe what the Doctor is saying. Every patient believes that the doctor is able to proffer solution to their problem, the question then is this why do we find it difficult to believe that Jesus Christ is sent from God for our eternal freedom.
For God so love the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE”  [John 3 vs. 16] K.J.V.
If the Son sets you free, then you shall be really free” [John 8 vs. 36] Good News Bible
All you have to do to enter the freedom that GOD has prepared for you is to say “I believe and accept that Jesus Christ is the LORD and SAVIOR of my life” it is very simple then you will begin to experience true freedom from Sin and struggles.
                                   FREEDOM IS POSSIBLE,
                               IT IS POSSIBLE IF YOU BELIEVE
                                                                                                             Man's Greatest Need

Neptune Dash


A writer, teacher and speaker with strong passion for teaching wholsome vitality for spirituality, nation building,entrepreneurship, preacher and teacher of the Word of God. My driving force for life is to be a valuable asset to the body of Christ and the country of citizenship, living by wisdom and impacting it on people and the society for effectiveness and greatness.


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