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In all business-concerns, there are bound to be clues, be they subtle or otherwise, that alert those who notice them of the possible directions in which the concern can be taken. As great strategists absorb this information, it helps them better formulate their plans whenever inspiration strikes them, be it on a vacation, during a morning walk, or just after the first cup of espresso. Their ability to spot and create links holds them in good stead. Strategists are always ready to respond to growth stimulus, they are greatly conscious of increasing their effectiveness.

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Neptune Dash


A writer, teacher and speaker with strong passion for teaching wholsome vitality for spirituality, nation building,entrepreneurship, preacher and teacher of the Word of God. My driving force for life is to be a valuable asset to the body of Christ and the country of citizenship, living by wisdom and impacting it on people and the society for effectiveness and greatness.


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