Easy Steps for Creating a Successful Small Business Marketing Plan

by 14:59:00 0 comments

Before starting a small business it is essential that you first understand the need of your target market and then you can try to provide a suitable solution.
Most people talk about how great their products or services are, instead of focusing on building a relationship of trust and credibility and giving regular education for the target market in relation to their product or services.  The Entrepreneur must ensure that he or she develops a “Think marketing” mindset for his or her products and services. You have to market constantly. Do not fall for stop and go marketing. Some small businessmen start marketing during down seasons only, they believe that marketing should only be done when sales seems to be going down. Having a successful marketing plan is essential for the venture. Profits and growth are directly proportional to effective marketing. If you are thinking where to start this 7 step guide will help you to understand the market and business. These 7 step guide are questions every Entrepreneur that want to succeed in his or her business must ask, they are:
1.    Who--- Who is my target market? Who are my ideal clients? What research do I have to carry out for finding out more about the target market?
2.    What--- What does my ideal clients want? What does my product and services offer them? What problems of my customers are solved by my product? What solutions does my client require? What is my Universal Selling Point that makes my product or service unique? What are the present industry trends? What will make my clients react? What am I selling? (For example, are you selling eyeglasses or vision, books or knowledge?) What is my brand of product and services? What would be the price?
3.    Where--- Where are my ideal clients? Geographically where are they located? Where will I position myself for their easy reach? Where will they get my marketing messages from? Will I go through personal conversations, hold seminars or write a blog, newsletter or article?
4.     When--- How frequent will I send out my marketing messages? When are my clients most likely to purchase?

5.     Why--- Why am I in business? Why will customers come to me instead of others? Why should they choose my products instead of my competitors?
6.    How--- How does my customer purchase? How will I reach out to potential clienteles? How am I going to communicate my marketing strategies? How will I provide information to my customers to make their buying decision?
7.    Marketing mindset--- What is my marketing mindset? Try to master a marketing mindset and your small business will move towards profits and success

Neptune Dash


A writer, teacher and speaker with strong passion for teaching wholsome vitality for spirituality, nation building,entrepreneurship, preacher and teacher of the Word of God. My driving force for life is to be a valuable asset to the body of Christ and the country of citizenship, living by wisdom and impacting it on people and the society for effectiveness and greatness.


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