Here comes an opportunity for young African Leaders to connect with colleagues from Europe at the 4th Africa - Europe Youth Summit and the Youth Plug-In Initiative which will hold in Abidjan. To know more and register click here

Every economy basically consists of producers and consumers, and they engage in transactions which is the transfer of goods and services from the producers to the consumers in exchange for money. For the producers to create these goods and services, several processes and activities are involved. All of these activities is collectively known as a business, or a firm. Since production requires various processes and activities, starting a business is not something to be rushed into. It is neither easy nor quick. The following are important questions any business start-up should ask:

Starting up a business brings some significant changes in the business owner’s life: changes like
1.    permanent financial freedom ( not waiting for month end salary)
2.     Flexibility of schedules (they are free to fix their personal schedule since they are in charge unlike employees).
3.     satisfaction of making one’s life fulfilled- irrespective of making the business grow into a mammoth structure or just keep doing what you like to do and earn your living (they have freedom for physical social networking especially with clients and business men).

Before starting a small business it is essential that you first understand the need of your target market and then you can try to provide a suitable solution.

Strategic thinkers know that you don’t just depend just on yourself, no matter how good you think and/or know yourself to be. Use dependable colleagues to bounce your ideas off, remember that a three do not make a forest.

 All great thinkers ensure that their idea is valid, that it’ll stand up in a world full of problems and changes. You need to constantly revise and fine-tune your plans, because the world is changing everyday. If you are not sure go ask Nokia and Microsoft Corporation.

In all business-concerns, there are bound to be clues, be they subtle or otherwise, that alert those who notice them of the possible directions in which the concern can be taken. As great strategists absorb this information, it helps them better formulate their plans whenever inspiration strikes them, be it on a vacation, during a morning walk, or just after the first cup of espresso. Their ability to spot and create links holds them in good stead. Strategists are always ready to respond to growth stimulus, they are greatly conscious of increasing their effectiveness.

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